Check for updates before you come.
ECOTUC Monthly Business Meeting
All members are encouraged to attend and take an active part in the activities of the club. This meeting is held using Zoom. The link will be sent the day before the meeting.
Linux SIG/Help Desk
Neal Ave. UMC 12 Neal Ave., NewarkWe are now meeting "in-person" and virtually using Jitsi. The invitation links will be sent to Linux SIG members. If you are not a member and you'd like to attend, contact and we'll be glad to send the info … Continue reading
Repair Help Desk
Neal Ave. UMC 12 Neal Ave., NewarkECOTUC Monthly Presentation
Neal Ave. UMC 12 Neal Ave., NewarkNOTE: this event will be "hybrid", meaning you can attend "in-person" at the building or "on-line" using Zoom. Enter at the middle doors of the back parking lot, or got to the far back doors to gain access to the … Continue reading
Linux SIG/Help Desk
Neal Ave. UMC 12 Neal Ave., NewarkWe are now meeting in-person and on-line using Jitsi The invitation links will be sent to Linux SIG members. People attending in-person must be fully vaccinated. If you are not a member and you'd like to attend, contact and … Continue reading
Repair Help Desk
Neal Ave. UMC 12 Neal Ave., NewarkECOTUC Monthly Business Meeting
All members are encouraged to attend and take an active part in the activities of the club. This meeting is held using Zoom. The link will be sent the day before the meeting.
Linux SIG/Help Desk
Neal Ave. UMC 12 Neal Ave., NewarkWe are now meeting in-person and on-line using Jitsi The invitation links will be sent to Linux SIG members. If you are not a member and you'd like to attend, contact and we'll be glad to send the info … Continue reading